How Do I Get Traffic To My Website

So, you may be wondering “how do I get traffic to my website?”

Fortunately, there are many ways to get traffic to your website in order to power-up your online business and marketing campaigns. Since the financial backbone of the Internet is predicated upon making money through online advertising, getting traffic to your website will hardly be in short supply.

Traffic is like oxygen for your website to fuel your online business and marketing campaigns with getting a lot of potential customers coming to it.

You could have the best looking website out there on the Internet, but if there is not any traffic coming to it, then your hopes of having a money making online business would all be but a failed attempt.

(to see our big list of 50+ traffic sources » Click Here!)

Online Traffic Methods

There are essentially two online methods of getting traffic to your online business or marketing campaigns:

  • Free Online Traffic
  • Paid Online Traffic

Free Online Traffic Methods

Getting free online traffic to your online business or marketing campaigns can include using any of the following popular methods:

  • Content Marketing

Publishing great content on your website that is original and valuable that offers a lot of meaningful information for your readers to greatly learn and benefit from it.

  • Backlinking

Having other websites link to your website. Usually this is done by publishing excellent content on your website where other websites would want to naturally link to it.

Backlinks are best if they are coming from other websites that are relevant to yours and that are high ranking with domain authority.

You can go to Alexa and see the rankings of the most authoritative and relevant websites on the Internet that would be a good match for your online business. You could then contact them to find the best possible way of getting a backlink from them.

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Using SEO best practices on your website and published content to get the highest possible rankings above the competition on the search engine results pages (SERP’s) to gain greater online business visibility.

Note: Getting free search traffic (organic traffic) from the search engines (like Google or Bing) may take some time for it to come to fruition based on how good your SEO is as well as the overall competition that is ranking for the same keyword that you are also trying to rank highly for.

  • Video Marketing (YouTube)

Make a slick video (or have one made for you) about the alluring benefits of your website or your promotional offer and tell the “YouTubers” why they should be confident with your call-to-action for them to take the next step.

  • Social Media

Using Facebook, Twitter and other Social Media Platforms to spread the good word about your online business and marketing campaigns.

  • Guest Blogging

You can become a guest blogger on other relevant websites that allow for it. Just write an informative blog post to be published on another website where you would provide your link so that readers could click over to your website.

  • Helping Others on the Internet

You can also get free traffic by leaving your answers on “question and answer” authority websites like Yahoo Answers, eHow, Quora, and Answers to help others resolve their posted questions. Give quality answers to such posted questions that relate to your line of business. Leave your link so they can link back to the most relevant webpage that supports or answers their question.

Paid Online Traffic Methods

Paying for online traffic can get you a lot of visitors coming to your online business and marketing campaigns very fast by using some of the more popular ways:

  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Search engines (Google, Bing and Yahoo), Social Media (Facebook & Twitter), Video Sites (YouTube), and many Ad Networks all offer Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising so that you can display your online business and marketing campaigns all over the place on the Internet. You are only charged when someone clicks on your ad.

With search engine PPC advertising, you are essentially buying your way to the top of the SERP’s (in the paid advertising section) instead of earning your way to the top of them using SEO strategies.

  • Pay-Per-View (PPV)

Show your ad on the Internet for others to view it where they can take action if interested.

  • Banner Advertising

Create your own online banner ad for your online business and marketing campaigns. Then place it on other relevant websites to have it seen all around the Internet.

  • Retargeting

Have your ad follow your recent viewers around on the Internet who had previously clicked on it so that you can keep your ad in front of them just in case they change their mind.

Many online promoters will use paid online traffic methods to start driving traffic as quickly as possible to their marketing campaigns to see if their offers are going to be converting profitably. If they do, they will usually scale up their advertising budget to increase their online presence for the chance of earning even bigger profits.

You can also use paid traffic methods just to keep a steady business presence on the Internet to promote constant brand visibility and awareness with the payoff of getting additional traffic coming to your website.

Email Marketing

  • E-mail Marketing can be very profitable where you are marketing or promoting to your own targeted email list. Building your email list should be one of your top priorities when launching your online business and marketing campaigns.

Solo Ads

  • Solo Ads are a form of email marketing where you are using the email list of someone else to send out your marketing or promotional offers to the subscribers on their list.

Offline Traffic Methods

You can also get traffic to your online business and marketing campaigns by using offline paid traffic methods such as with the following:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Flyers
  • Post Cards
  • Radio
  • Television

By advertising your online business “offline” you can possibly experience less competition than by having it online. This can possibly give your online business a big edge with more potential customers paying greater attention to your undiluted advertisement.

Paid Traffic Mindset

Don’t think of paying for traffic as an expense, think of it more as an investment. Once you know that whatever you are promoting is converting profitably, you can start to scale up your paid traffic advertising efforts to earn even bigger profits. For example, if you can spend $100 to make $300 or $500 (or even more) in revenues, you then want to increase your paid advertising budget. This is want any prudent investor would do. This is what the Super Affiliates do!

The Magic of Targeted Traffic… Conversions!

One of the major goals of getting traffic to your online business and marketing campaigns is getting targeted traffic.

The magic of targeted traffic is to align the interests of your target market to that of a relevant product or service that your target market would highly be interested in to generate big-time sales.

To get targeted traffic to your online business or marketing campaign using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, you could use a keyword match type called “exact match” as to when your ad would be eligible to be displayed on the Internet. Your ad would be eligible to be displayed only when someone types a keyword or keyword phrase into a search engine (like Google, Yahoo, or Bing) that matches the exact keyword or exact keyword phrase (or close variation of it) that you are targeting in your PPC ad campaign.

For example, if the exact match keyword phrase of your PPC ad campaign is “learn how to play the guitar like a rock star” your PPC ad would be eligible to be displayed only when someone types in that keyword phrase (or close variation of it) into a search engine. To be able to make money from this keyword phrase, you would need to find a relevant product or service that would hopefully do a great job of filling that need.

Getting targeted traffic will generally increase your click-through rate and conversions compared to getting traffic from a broader source. As a result, you will typically earn a higher return on investment (ROI) on your advertising dollars.

(to learn about different ways to make money online, click on What to Sell Online to Make Money)


The world is yours once you have an online presence and know how to get traffic (better yet, targeted traffic) to your online business and marketing campaigns along with offering relevant products or services that are converting profitably!

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